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ルチルクオーツのブレスレットRutilelated quartz bracelet

ルチルクオーツのブレスレットRutilelated quartz bracelet

  • ルチルクオーツのブレスレット


    ルチルクォーツとはクォーツの変種で肉眼で確認できる針状のインクルージョンを内包する水晶を呼びます。 黄金の針を持つことから、古くから金 金運や財運、商売のお守りとして親しまれています。 勇気や度胸、向上心など前向きな感情を育む力があるとも言われています。

    Rutilelated quartz bracelet

    Price(tax included)5,750 YEN 
    Free shipping

    Rutile quartz is a variant of quartz that contains a needle-shaped inclusion that can be seen with the naked eye. Since it has a golden needle, it has long been popular as a talisman for gold, fortune, and business. It is also said to have the power to foster positive emotions such as courage, courage, and aspirations.

【商品情報】(Product information)
サイズ(Size) :17cm

ご購入はこちら Click here to purchase

Purchases from the online shop will be paid by credit card.

If you would like to pay by wire transfer, please follow the steps below to place an order.


Please click the "Purchase by wire transfer" button below and send the orderer's name and delivery address by email.

・お届け先郵便番号(Delivery postal code)
・お届け先住所(Delivery address)
・ご連絡先電話番号(Contact phone number)

数日間返信がない場合は、お手数ですがLIANAまでお電話をお願いいたします。TEL: 03-6261-6457

You will receive an order confirmation email from LIANA (liana@liana.jp).
Please be sure to check the order confirmation email before making the transfer.
If you do not receive a reply for several days, please call LIANA. TEL: 03-6458-9101


Please transfer the product price to the following account.
The transfer fee will be borne by the customer. In addition, please make the transfer under the same name as the purchaser.

【LIANAのお振込口座番号 / Transfer Account Number of LIANA】
 ゆうちょ銀行 / Japan Post Bank
 支店 / Branch : ○一八(ゼロイチハチ)店 / 018 branch 
 口座番号 / Account Number : 普通9316277 / Savings 9316277
 口座名義 / Account : カ)ブルーゲート


As soon as the transfer is confirmed, LIANA will ship the item.

お問い合わせ時間:10:00〜17:00 月〜金(祝日・年末年始を除く)
TEL: 03-6261-6457

For English and Tagalog
Inquiry time: 10: 00-17: 00 Mon-Fri (excluding holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)
TEL: 03-6458-9101

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